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[105美國直購] Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince




While Death Eaters emboldened by the return of Lord Voldemort wreak havoc in both the Muggle and Wizarding worlds, Harry suspects new dangers lie within Hogwarts.
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Michael Gambon Runtime: 2 hours, 33 minutes
Available to watch on supported devices.

Product Details
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery, Kids & Family
Director:David Yates
Starring:Daniel Radcliffe, Michael Gambon
Supporting actors:Dave Legeno, Elarica Johnson, Jim Broadbent, Geraldine Somerville, Bonnie Wright, Julie Walters, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, Helen McCrory, Timothy Spall, Alan Rickman, Oliver Phelps, James Phelps, Freddie Stroma, Jessie Cave, Tom Felton, Alfred Enoch

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[105美國直購] Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

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